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Muscle Memory

Something I learned from being involved in Recovery International and practicing cognitive behavioral training (CBT) is the concept of ‘muscle memory.’ Muscle memory is the idea that ‘Your muscles teach your brain a higher set of values’, something taught by Dr. Low who founded Recovery International and who pioneered CBT. As a segway, most people

To Mexico

In 1984 Rosi and I headed to Mexico to continue our missionary work. We had three children by then: David, Peter, and Esther. David and Peter were born in London, ON and Esther was born in Point Claire, QC. We had clearance to go and be part of the missionary effort in Mexico provided we

Forsaking All

Let’s start by telling you that on January 7, 1976 I was born again and joined a non-denominational Christian organization in Canada. Part of joining the organization was to forsake all. This was a source of income for the group as it would give them items they otherwise couldn’t afford to buy. If they didn’t

I’m a Dreamer

I woke up this morning with this thought in mind. ‘Seems like I have big dreams and I am an idealist. I also tend to be an extremist. If I believe in something I throw everything into it and am willing to go ‘all in’. Being an extremist is a bit of a gamble since

Born to Drum

Seems like I had drumming in my genes. Here is a pic of my first drums I got for Christmas: I am not sure what year that was so I do not know or how old I was. I am thinking I must have been 4 or 5 years old.Next is a pic of me

Multi Careers

They say that the average person has multi careers in their lifetime. It is rare to meet someone who has only had one career. People that have worked their whole life for one company in one career is a ‘dying breed.’ In some ways I am jealous of people that have retired with a full

Grandfather Again

I am a grandfather again! Today, October 28, 2022 my daughter Becca in Italy had a baby boy and called him Christian. He weighed in at 3.5 kg and is healthy and a very calm baby! This is Becca’s third child. The previous two are girls, named Chiara and Chloe. Now we have a third

My Hobbies

Here I would like to take a moment to introduce a recent hobby: guitar building. I started into guitar building in 2019 when I moved to an attic apartment on Napier Street in Sarnia. I used the second bedroom as a workshop for the sake of sanding and refinishing as well as the soldering needed

Guitar Building

Here I would like to take a moment to introduce a recent hobby: guitar building. I started into guitar building in 2019 when I moved to an attic apartment on Napier Street in Sarnia. I used the second bedroom as a workshop for the sake of sanding and refinishing as well as the soldering needed

My Name

If you just look at my website URL: and realize my name is Michael Moriarty you may wonder what the ‘W’ stands for. W is my middle initial and stands for Wayne. I rarely ever was called Wayne unless my mother was upset with me and shouted out Michael Wayne to either show her

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